Monday, February 02, 2004

An accident?

From "WASHINGTON, D.C. Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael Powell said today he is launching an investigation into the halftime show aired on CBS last night during the Super Bowl after singer Janet Jackson's right breast was exposed."

From here:
In a statement, MTV said: “The tearing of Janet Jackson’s costume was unrehearsed, unplanned, completely unintentional and was inconsistent with assurances we had about the content of the performance.

“MTV regrets this incident occurred and we apologise to anyone who was offended by it.”

Timberlake also issued an apology for the “regrettable” incident, MTV News reported.

He said: “I am sorry if anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance at the Super Bowl.

“It was not intentional and is regrettable.”
According to Google, had an article entitled "Janet Jackson's Super Bowl Show Promises 'Shocking Moments'", but that link doesn't work. This is from Google's cache. It's not clear what they meant by 'shocking', and I suppose it's possible that this was an accident....

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