Saturday, August 16, 2003

Hitler was a Leftist

Right here.

Incidentally, "Nazi" is short for the German phrase for "National Socialist German Worker's Party". Hmm - now why would someone who was a "fascist" pick a name like that?

Religious spam?

Oh no - I just got a spam with the title line "Divine will?"

Not them too...

A message from the Blaster Worm

"billy gates why do you make this possible ? Stop making money and fix your software!!"

Friday, August 15, 2003

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Nuclear power plants overheating?

What does the temperature of rivers have to do with operating nuclear power plants? Does it make them more likely to have problems?

Actually the river temperature problem is not specific to nuclear power plants. Fossil-fueled plants have exactly the same problem - they reject heat to water, the water is rejected to rivers, and life in the rivers can be harmed by high local or average temperatures caused by discharges from the plant.

The amount of heat they have to reject varies directly with their power output - twice the power, twice the heat to dump. With the high temperatures in Europe now, the power output demand is high, so the plants are dumping as much heat as they can.

Also, the more heat they dump, the greater the difference in the temperature (delta T) between the water coming in and the water going out. A given temperature coming in implies a particular temperature going out if the plant's power output is the same.

But now the cooling water sources are getting hotter even as the delta T's are at their peaks with the high power output. The result - the temperature of the water going back to the environment is higher than normal. And in the US there are regulations about how high that temperature can go legally. Presumably the Europeans have similar requirements.

I don't know if the temperature specs are appropriate or not. There is no question that too much heat is bad for rivers and lakes though. And if the high heat is combined with lowered river flow or lake levels, then the peak temperatures in the wild resulting from plant operation get even worse yet. So whether a specific regulation is appropriate or not, the idea is that at some point things get out of hand. (The flip side of this is that the fishing can be good all year at rivers and lakes downstream from power plant discharges).

So what can be done when discharge temperatures get too high? Assuming that the plants must operate within the regulations, then the only thing they can control is the delta T - how many degrees the cooling water is heated flowing across the plant. And they do that by reducing the power output at the plant. Which means less power for the consumers.

You might wonder why power plants must reject heat at all. Good question. Thermodynamics geniuses long ago noted that just as you can't turn a cow completely into steak, you couldn't turn heat completely into mechanical (and ultimately electrical) energy. You always wind up having to throw out some of it. Actually, most of it - well over half at contemporary fossil power plants, and more yet at nukes. It all depends on the plant's operating temperatures - the higher it is, the more efficiently the plant converts heat into power. (uh, yes, the above is somewhat simplified)

To get rid of the rejected heat, power plants use a number of big heat exchangers. The biggest by far will be the main condenser. To give you an idea of the size, the main condenser at Clinton Power Station (CPS) in Clinton, IL, is supplied with raw cooling water from Lake Clinton by two 10' pipes, and I believe the flow rate is about 180,000 gallons per minute per pipe (I'm working from a 15 year old memory, so I could be significantly off on the flow rate)(yes, I'm a PE who once worked at the plant).

This water doesn't go anywhere near the reactors. That water is in a separate loop flowing through the tubes of the condenser at a boiling water reactor like CPS, and water that seconds before was in the reactor is condensed on the other side. At a PWR like the French plants, the reactor water doesn't leave the containment building, so the cooling water is even more isolated from the reactor water. But even at the BWRs, the reactor water side is at a lower pressure (actually, a vacuum), so any leaks are from the cooling water into the plant and not vice versa. Given that such leaks increase the quantity of radwaste and water treatment volume, which are expensive to process, management deals with them rapidly by finding and plugging leaking tubes.

Whoops, what if there's a major leak - will they flood the insides of the plant? CPS had redundant alarms designed to detect flooding bright and early so the pumps sending the water into the plant could be shut off. This would be accompanied by low turbine vacuum alarms, high flow rates through the cooling water system, more current draw on the condenser cooling water pumps, and possibly high turbine vibration alarms, so operations people would know something was amiss rapidly. The plant has a very large volume, so there is plenty of time to react to problems. (as for natural flooding, that's addressed during siting).

But if you shut off this condenser cooling water, how do you keep the plant cool? No problem - the operators would trip the reactor, and entirely separate systems for keeping the reactor cool under emergency conditions would be used to bring the reactor to a cold shutdown. The systems that do this are redundant, are not subject to common failures, are served by redundant power supplies, are located inside very heavy buildings with reinforced concrete walls at least a foot thick between them and anything that might harm them, and are designed to withstand earthquakes too. And the QA is very strict.

What if the operators don't know what to do? They do. They get a tremendous amount of training, including work as teams on simulators built to mimic the plants down to tiny details. Staffing levels are maintained at no less thanand working hours are limited to maintain alertness.

What if the systems aren't ready to go when needed? They'd better be in service ready to go as required by their Technical Specifications, or else we're talking fines, shutdowns or worse. Verification includes periodic "surveillance tests", such as testing onsite diesel generators to assure that they start up, reach operating speed and voltage and pick up load in the proper sequence.

How do you know the systems perform as designed? Because they were tested to design requirements as a condition of getting an operating license. At CPS that happened around 1987. From that point onward configuration control is tight, and proposed changes are analyzed at great length before implementation.

I could go on with the questions and answers - there are several shelf feet of books on file for every operating reactor in the US devoted to stuff like this. Since 9/11 they may be less accessible, but you can probably see them for a plant near you if you are interested.

Even the most trivial events get tons of bad publicity for nuclear power plants. Nuclear power executives know that the more they goof the more they get inspected, and they know that shutdowns are incredibly expensive, so they know to keep their noses clean. And they're awfully picky about the personnel that they permit to operate multibillion dollar investments.

So the bottom line is that the lead of the story, speaking as it did of "overheating at nuclear power plants", was not about nuclear power safety as it might have appeared. The plants are as safe as they always have been.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Meet Jenna Jameson

Right here.

She's on E! network tonight talking about her history. Of her first heterosexual porn movie, she notes that the man sweated on her and she said she had to quit the scene because the dripping sweat grossed her out.

Horse abuse?

I'm not exactly Joe PETA, but some things are too much. This might be an example:
Three of the jockeys who were hurt in a five-horse collision at the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club suffered fractures, 10News reported.

The spill occurred about 4 p.m. Monday during the track's fourth daily race. Three of the five horses involved were later euthanized.

Jockey Jose Silva was taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, where it was discovered he had a fractured vertebrae, according to 10News. Anthony Lovato was taken to Scripps Memorial Hospital in Encinitas, also with a fractured vertebrae. Jockey Tyler Baze suffered foot fractures and was treated at a nearby hospital.

"I've been around here for 40 years and I can't remember anything like this," Dan Smith, media director at Del Mar, said.
Yep, you'd better get rid of those horses in a hurry. We wouldn't want to get caught drugging them, now would we?

No, I'm not claiming that any of the horses were drugged - things happen. The stress in a race horse's legs is incredible, and occasionally they just break.

But horses have pain just like the rest of us - enough to make them stop doing something painful unless they're drugged. And I saw the results of abuse at a quarter horse race about 20 years ago in IL.

It was about a 400 yard race, the last one of the day. The horses were just a few lengths out of the gates when one of them broke both forelegs simultaneously. It somersaulted, rolling over the jockey. The rest of the horses finished the race.

How do I know the horse broke both legs? Because it got back up on its hind legs and the stumps, its lower forelegs flopping in front of it, as if it were trying to finish the race. And judging from the crowd, I wasn't the only one who hadn't seen anything like it.

A few minutes later a vet was on the scene and they put the horse down. Then an endloader carried the horse to a pit on the far end of the site and dumped it. For two cents they could have had the trainer too.

Green for thee but not for me

IMO today's Democrats are beneath contempt, but there are things I have to admire. For instance, they have to have something on the ball to manage to get votes both from blacks and the unions.

Another mismatch is working class people and rich environmentalists. Greens are the moral descendants of the wardens who would have peasants killed for eating the King's deer. And today, if they had their way, the greens would ruin the economy by making entire industries noncompetitive.

Greens know that, and to compensate have created asinine concepts like "environmental racism" to tie these odd couples together. You see, it seems that some of them claim that when waste disposers site undesirable neighbors like toxic waste dumps, they base their decisions more heavily on their proximity to minority groups than on considerations like distance from the source, cost of the land, etc.

Has Jane Galt found a real example of environmental racism?
BOSTON - The rich and famous have long flocked to the beaches of Cape Cod and the island seclusion of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket — a land of sailboats and quaint vacation homes.

Now some of these celebrities want to make sure wind turbines don't become a part of the scenery.

They are fighting a proposed $700 million wind farm in the Nantucket Sound that would provide electricity to thousands of homes in the area, saying the giant turbines will mar the landscape of one of the nation's most pristine areas.
Awwww. I wonder if any of them ever traveled to the Netherlands to see the windmills? I don't have census data handy, but I'll bet that those islanders aren't exactly a United Nations of ethnic diversity - isn't that alone a good enough reason to force them to accept the windmills? Even if it affects people like Patrick "I never worked a [bleeping] day of my life" Kennedy.

I'll confess that I'd be amused if the windpower is put right smack in front of some rich liberal's mansion. But really now, the fact is that good sites are limited in number and location. There is an opportunity cost associated with keeping such sites unavailable, and it should be borne by those getting the corresponding benefits.

So let there be a special NIMBY charge on power bills for those who would rather have scenery than for the rest of us to have power. And make it sting.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

The world's smallest violin....

It's bad enough that I was here in Indy yesterday night while the usual suspects and media personality Dodd Harris were up to no good in St. Louis - even Susanna made it there by phone. And now here I sit with two new dirty jokes and nobody handy to share them with.