For instance, consider the map of Kiribati to the left. You may not need it for the next 100 years, but it's an example of what's available.
As for Mr. Cowen, find him at the Marginal Revolution or the Volokh Conspiracy.
Miller's decision was prompted in part by his disgust with the Democratic presidential field. "It makes me ashamed. It's a disgrace for anyone to talk about - talk like that in a time of war," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "Using this war for political advantage can only give hope to our enemies. And when you do that, that's going to cost lives."From Jonah Goldberg's column.
So some people have been saying that I see anti-Semitism or an anti-Israel bias in every shadow. I exaggerate, they say. Calm down, they tell me. It's nowhere near as bad as you think.Of course Meryl and I know that's not true - sometimes it's sexism instead. But hey, she caught the bastards *this* time...
These schmucks not only can't get the date right, but they completely change the tenor of the incident by stating that the it took place months before the Six-Day War. The Six-Day War began on June 5, 1967, and ended on June 10. Does UPI even use copy editors? Do they have fact-checkers? Did the idiot that passed this piece not notice that the lead says it occurred on June 8?If you read blogs very long you're used to seeing documented examples of media incompetence such as what she's spotted here. She's a bit shrill so far, but she's not done yet...
Did David Duke ghostwrite this piece for UPI, or what?I rest my case.
The Sun newspaper quoted a source at the school as saying: "By the time the afternoon lessons began, there was no hiding what they had done."
Paramedics took the six squirming boys to the nearby Royal Berkshire Hospital, where they were monitored until the effects wore off.