Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Notice any changes?

Yeah, right. My hit counter is in the double figures, and guess who accounts for most of them. It would probably be too depressing to know how many of the rest were typos.

But I switched to Blogger Pro. Mostly it was a way to support Blogger, at first, but I'm starting to like it.

The major differences I have noticed so far are the tabbed dialogs for the settings and the blogging area. For the settings, many more things are configurable, you can add a title, and you can have a template for your posts so the edit window will already have certain text, HTML or whatever else you might want in your posts every time. One of the tabs is empty for now, but they're working on it.

If you turn on the title feature like I have done, you get a text box above the rest of the editing area for your title. The title on this entry shows you what it looks like by default. I'm assuming that it leaves the fonts alone but for boldfacing them.

Another feature that's handy is that you can mark a post as a draft, so you can keep a work in process inside it without publishing it. Of course you can do this with cut and paste and a text editor, but it is a handy feature.

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