Thursday, January 31, 2002

A NEW STEREOTYPE IS BORN - Bill Quick tells us that this cartoon from the Texas A&M Daily Battalion was found racist and was protested by a black student organization at Texas A&M. It seems that the characters' eyes and lips were too big for their tastes. (I didn't notice any complaint about the characters being colored too, although this cruel stereotype bedevils Michael Jackson).

Far be it from me to propose unlawful or violent behavior. But I suspect a tap or two upside the head by a Bull Connor wannabe might help clarify the difference between racism and a cartoon. Meanwhile they're promoting another stereotype - that minority students are bitchy.

Hey, aren't cartoons speech? Yoohoo, ACLU! Surely all of you aren't down in that town in Florida that put up signs banning Satan (yep, they're the devil's advocate).

I snooped around a little on the Daily Battalion site and noticed a banner ad about wife-beating. It showed six faces - apparently 5 plain vanilla white guys and an Asian. Where do we sign up to protest against this outrage?

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